Understanding Compassion
We keep communities safe when we address the addiction crisis as a health-care crisis
Understanding Compassion
We keep communities safe when we address the addiction crisis as a health-care crisis
We keep communities safe when we address the addiction crisis as a health-care crisis
We keep communities safe when we address the addiction crisis as a health-care crisis
BREAKPOINT was formed in 2024 to promote recovery oriented solutions to the ever-increasing problem of chronic addiction and homelessness in our communities all across Canada. Through public awareness, tools and education, we take a more compassionate approach to public safety while recognizing addiction as a health care issue.
We believe in a fair and firm but compassionate approach to treating addiction by removing the barriers to recovery, and upholding the rights of all citizens, especially children, to be protected from potentially fatal harms. We promote and support recovery-oriented solutions that bring hope and healing to those who are suspended in hard core drug dependency.
Our goal is to put an end to the fallout of a national overdose crisis.
A fundamental shift is needed to truly save lives.
We envision the creation of recovery communities all across Canada where priority is on a full continuum of care, a life of purpose beyond addiction and keeping our communities safe.
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